PDU Courses

Performance Mastery - A Mini Class


TOTAL PDUs = 5 Ways of Working = 1.5 PDUs Power Skills = 2.0 PDUs Business Acumen = 1.5 PDUs Category: Course/Tra...

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Sign up for our FREE 5 PDUs Mini Class:

Performance Mastery - A Mini Class

As a Professional - Learn how to unlock your performance potential and master your performance.

As an Individual Contributor & Thinker - Capitalize on your strengths and overcome any thought patterns undermining your performance and success.

As a Team Member - Gain Influence and master the art of interpersonal dynamics to improve your performance and success.

As a Leader - Position your team for improved morale and maximum productivity, performance and success.

Earn 5 PDUs towards your PMP Certification renewal.

Earn PDUs in each of the 3 Skill Areas of the PMI Talent Triangle.