Wisdom from a Lifetime of Service

Vincent Buggs is an Army General in United States Army Reserves and CEO of Embrace the Power and Power Pony Express Sports LLC.
As a CEO of Embrace the Power and Power Pony Express Sports LLC., one of the main projects General Vincent Buggs is developing is the Holistic Service Member program which is combining a community approach to enhance the lives of Military families in the Reserves and National Guard. Embrace the Power's main company focus is working in communities to help people find their inner ability to navigate life. Power Pony Express Sports is about creating opportunities for parents who have little to no means for private training lessons. As a leader, his bottom line is Human Capital to help others improve their quality of life.
As an Army General in the United States Army Reserves, Brigadier General Vincent E. Buggs is the Deputy Commanding General of U.S. Army North (Fifth Army) and Director, Army Reserve Engagement Cell, U.S. Army North.
BG Buggs was commissioned in 1990 after graduating from Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia with a Bachelor of Arts in History and a minor in German. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Global History from American Military University and is a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Air War College where he earned a Master’s degree in Strategic Studies.
He has served in a variety of command and staff positions as a logistics officer in Germany, Georgia, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Virginia, Florida, and Washington. His joint assignments include service as a plans officer for Multi-National Corps-Iraq, a logistical plans officer for U.S. Central Command, and as the CENTCOM liaison officer to U.S. Africa Command and U.S. European Command. He deployed twice in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. He most recently served as the commander of the 364th Expeditionary Sustainment Command in Marysville, Washington.
His military education includes the Quartermaster Officer Basic and Advanced courses; the Infantry Officer Advanced course Phase One; the Logistics Executive Development Course; the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College; and the Air War College.