Today we’re talking about Whole Brain Thinking.
The situation today looks like this – we’re all under enormous pressure to do more in less time, with fewer resources. We no longer have the luxury of longer runways to figure things out or repeat the same mistakes. Blindspots are everywhere and conflict amongst the team continues to fester.
As project management professionals, we think we know ourselves, and others on our teams. But how well do we really understand how we’re wired, what our preferences are in the tasks and jobs we’re asked, if not forced to accomplish, and are there better ways to work with our project teams?
In today’s session, we want to share best practices to really understanding our mental wiring – what we gravitate toward, how that pull develops our competency, which makes us want to do more of it, which further develops our preferences. Only when you understand you own dominant thinking style, can you begin to better understand others and explore more efficient and effective, if not impactful ways of working together as a team.