The 60 PDU course will be available to you upon purchase and you’ll have access to take at your convenience through your online account at
Separately, the online virtual conference will be Live on March 7 where you can attend sessions of interest. You’ll have access to all sessions through the virtual conference portal for 90 days where you can earn up to 26 PDUs for those sessions.
Yes, we will be following up with an additional email with details on how to access the conference. was a PMI REP from 2007 to 2017... our PMI REP number was 1637.
With the recent CCRS and PDU changes, PMI changed their policy that now allows any company to offer courses and PDU opportunities without having to be an REP.
As such, we opt'd out of the REP program this year, 2018.
However, *ALL* of the programs that we offer on our website at were aligned with the PMI Talent Triangle and approved by PMI for PDUs during our *active* REP period.
There are *NO* issues with the courses that we offer on our website at and we have over 50,000 global customers in our community who still rely on us for their professional development and PDU requirements.
The way we submit PDUs to PMI has recently changed and we have prepared a tutorial which will take you through the process step-by-step which you can find here:
If you follow those instructions, you will then be able to submit your PDUs to PMI without any problems. was a PMI REP from 2007 to 2017... our PMI REP number was 1637.
With the recent CCRS and PDU changes, PMI changed their policy that now allows any company to offer courses and PDU opportunities without having to be an REP.
As such, we opt'd out of the REP program this year, 2018.
However, ALL of the programs that we offer on our website at were aligned with the PMI Talent Triangle and approved by PMI for PDUs during our active REP period. There are NO issues with the courses that we offer on our website at and we have over 50,000 global customers in our community who still rely on us for their professional development and PDU requirements.
None of the courses have been removed, but we have moved to a new platform - they are just not available for purchase at this moment in time. Any courses that you previously purchased are available within the members area of our website.
Because the PMI PDU Registration system has a few navigational issues, we've created a 'HOW TO' guide with screenshots to assist registering your PDUs.
These instructions will get you fixed up >>>
How To Register Your PDU Credits
· Visit this link:
· User name: your user name
· Password: your password
· Login Click box
· Category: (Select The Category For The Course You Have Completed)
· Provider: Inc.
· Title: Name of the course you have completed
Please Note: Do *NOT* SELECT from the COURSES in the drop-down menu. Instead, ENTER the Title of the course.
· Start: Enter the start date
· Complete: Enter the end date
· PDUs Claimed: Get this information from your course certificate
· I agree: Must check
· Submit: Click box
I believe the issue is because you are SELECTING the COURSE from the drop-down menu. Instead, ENTER the Title of the course in free form text then it will allow you to enter the number of PDUs per Skill Area.
When you enter the provider, please just enter as plain text, you do not need to select an option from the dropdown. This will then work for you and you will still be able to submit your PDUs.
Yes we have 3 packages which offer 60 PDUs - any of these 3 will meet the requirements for your PMI certification and you are able to purchase them here:
I can confirm that PMI will accept PDU submissions during the holiday period
The exercises can be found within the course guide that you are able to download at the beginning of the course under the course documents section.
When you put PDUs2Go in as the course provider, please use plain text and there is no need to select the inactive provider. If you leave this as plain text it will work just fine.
The renewal requirements are 60 PDUs of which you can earn all 60 in the category of education.
As such, our programs satisfy the 60 PDUs in education. The programs we currently offer spilt those 60 PDUs equally among the 3 Skill areas of Leadership, Technical Project Management and Strategic and Business Management.
Go to login and request a new one by selecting forgotten password
There is not an expiration date for completing the 60 PDUs... you can complete over time per your own schedule.
There are no tests involved. The course comes with a Course Guide and Workbook which you can use to follow the programs included in the course.
Upon completion of the course materials, you will earn your Certificate that you'll use to register your PDUs with PMI.
No need to create a new account... Customer Service will get you fixed up!
The system will automatically calculate to Canadian $ during the checkout process.
The way to submit your PDUs to PMI has slightly changed. We created a "how-to" guide which will help you submit your PDUs to PMI without any problems. You can find the how to guide here:
Once you double click on the link, it will automatically download and appear on your screen or in your 'downloads' area of your computer.
To download and view the pdf, you will need a pdf reader which most people use adobe acrobat reader >>>
Please contact Customer Service
Yes, that is correct.
We hope you enjoy them!
When you complete the course you will be asked to submit a form, this will then generate your unique certificate of completion which you will then be able to submit to PMI as proof you have completed the course.
When you pay for a course you will be able to begin the lessons right away and there is no limitation to how fast you can complete a course as long as you listen to and complete each module.
Communicating for Results is one 60 PDU course.
This one course is made up of multiple programs supporting the development of communication skills.
Upon completion of all modules, you complete your course and earn one Certificate for the entire 60 PDUs.
As such, you'll only register your 60 PDUs once for this one course
50% Complete
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