The Top 5 Team Management Skills Every PMP Needs to Successfully Lead a Team

leadership Jun 08, 2018

Do you know the Top 5 Team Management Skills every manager needs to successfully lead a team?

In the world of project management, one of the greatest responsibilities we are tasked with is successfully leading our team to achieving our desired goal. But the question of how to do this is often hotly debated among our ranks. What makes a great project manager? What skills must that project manager possess to effectively lead their team? And lastly, how can we implement these skills to effectively and efficiently achieve our project goals?

Great team leadership begins with team management. Team management is the ability of an individual to administer and/or coordinate a group of individuals to perform a task. Within a project environment, it is often the task of the leader to both provide vision and guidance, as well as mitigate common project mistakes. Our team members rely on us to bring a sense of order to our process while also managing each individual’s unique objectives.

Effectively managing a team is crucial for many reasons, including:

  1. Provide cohesive leadership.
  2. Relay effective communication.
  3. Set the vision for a common goal.
  4. Define team roles and responsibilities
  5. Resolve problems among the team.


Successful team management skills not only help us achieve our desired goals, but they also help cut down on common concerns felt by many project teams. Every project management team is prone to face some common challenges, including: fear of conflict, absence of trust, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability and inattention to results.

So what team management skills contribute the most to both providing positive leadership and avoiding team-centered pitfalls?

  1. Team building and emotional intelligence: provide cohesive leadership for our groups
  2. Speaking and listening skills: relay effective communication and make sure teammates are on the same page without careless misunderstandings
  3. Business strategy: helps keep the main objectives in the forefront and helps our teams set the vision for a common goal
  4. Project management skills: this skills helps throughout the process, but also helps define team roles and responsibilities from the start of the project
  5. Critical thinking and negotiating: helps keeps the project process on-task and resolved projects and questions amongst the team

Mastering these 5 essential Team Management skills will not only serve you in your own work, but help you be the best project leader for your teams. Keeping these essential skills in mind throughout the process will contribute to more favorable outcomes and a smoother process for everyone involved.

You can learn more and watch the original video at:


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